Monday, February 3, 2014


This last week at our church we celebrated 46 years with our Pastor and his wife being the leaders of our church. 46 years is almost unheard of these days. Our Pastor is very committed to our church and our church family. He preaches straight out of the Bible and he is not there to "tickle" our ears. Yes, sometimes he "steps" on my toes but I wouldn't want it any other way. I know that what he preaches is not just something he memorizes but something he is in deep prayer about before he gets behind the pulpit and preaches. This last week he has been sick, in the hospital and was unable to make it to several of the services. We sure did miss him. I know we don't go to church for the preacher but to hear the word of God but somehow it was just not the same. I felt like a sheep without a shepherd guiding me and boy do I need guiding. I'm human and fail in my walk with God daily. We were blessed with wonderful men of God who preached nightly for 9 nights straight. While I didn't make it to every service, the services I did make it to were just what I needed to refuel me. We all need that sometimes. I love my pastor, and my church family. Hope all of you have a wonderful church to attend. I know my pastor and my church family is a blessing to our family, hope yours is too!