Thursday, December 11, 2014

Feeling Blessed!

Today, we have finished all but 1 story card and worksheet. It is 11:00  The children have played with play-doh, completed 3 worksheets, played in PE, and practiced their music for their play. Now, they are playing with puzzles. As I sit here tears come to my eyes and I realize how very blessed I am. In front of me are 9 precious children busily playing with their puzzles and happily talking to each other. They are so happy. I wished their parents could see what I am privileged to see. Every so often,  out of the blue , one of them will say- "Mrs. Tammy, I love you." and I of course will say it right back. And, you know what, I do. I truly do. Yes, there are days when I wonder why God chose me to do this job and some days are crazier than others. Sometimes I wonder if I'm appreciated and if I'm even making a difference in their little lives to even be worthy of appreciation. I may not make a 3 figure salary but I'll take these little people over a corporate board room any day. I am so appreciative of being chosen to work at our little school.

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