Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sweet Little children

Just met a new little one that will be in my class next year. Hard to believe this school year is so quickly coming to an end. Every year, I have mixed emotions about this time of the year. I'm so ready for Summer but yet I know that my little ones will no longer be with me. Sure, I'll see some of them next door, next year but some I may never see again. You get attached to these little ones. After all, you spend 9 and 1/2 months with them -5 days a week. I come to view them as mine. Even when they are in an upper grade you may still here me refer to them as "my babies". I hope that somehow someway I have made a positive influence in their life. God may not have given me the three biological children that I always wanted, but he filled my heart and life with so many more. For that I consider myself very blessed.