Monday, March 26, 2012

Dee Scallan is coming to our school!!!!!!

I was cleaning out a tub of teaching stuff from many years ago, and found an old newspaper clipping(Oct. 2008) about a Pre K teacher turned author. She writes books about our great state of Louisiana. Just on a whim, I contacted her about coming to our school to give a performance. She told me that she had a few dates left and then told me that the cost is usually $800.00 for her to come to the school, set up all her props, and do the performance. Well we are a small private school and I knew that we couldn't spare that expense at this time. But God always works things out doesn't he? She told me that she had received several grants from the Louisiana Crawfish Coalition and that if we would just write to them to tell them how thankful we were, we could have one of them!!!!! Yeah!!!!! So we are so excited to have someone so wonderful coming to our school and so excited for our children!!!!

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