Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cute art project & they are growing up so fast!

For their homework one night the parents traced their children's feet and the children decorated them with opposites. For example: clean feet-dirty feet but my favorite was Macie's feet- smell good feet, smell bad feet! Ha- too cute!
The children love having the water cooler in the room- Thanks again Parents!. At first, I was filling the cups for them and now they tell me, "We can do it Mrs. Tammy" and you know what -they can.I have tried my best this year to not baby them to much. They pour their own snack, tear off the paper towels from the roll, fold their own blankets and mats at nap time and choose their own centers. Sometimes I help- but only if they ask me. They are such a great group of children. It is so hard to believe that the end is almost here.  My mind does not want to think about this. It is always such a bittersweet time for me. I am so proud that of the things they have learned but part of me feels sad. It always makes me so proud when they learn a new skill. Even though I have worked hard to foster their independence, they will always be my babies. God may  have only blessed  us with one biological child, but he has filled our hearts with many children in the 22 years that I have worked with children and for this I am thankful.

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