I know- it has been forever since I have posted but you would not believe how crazy this summer has been! I am a person who likes things in my life in a routine and I don't like things to change. Well, I usually end up liking the changes, I just don't like the thought and the process of those changes. I really have a hard time with it! To make a long story short, every since the third week of summer, our family has undergone major changes. To name just a few- we moved, Taylor's getting ready to attend college, Tracer's starting high-school, Gerald's going to be changing jobs, and I started taking online classes! Beside the children's school NONE of these changes were planned! And, boy did I have a difficult time processing all of these changes at once! A good friend at church told me instead of wondering about the unknown to just look at this as God's opportunity to shine and to watch his wonderful plans unfold. Life happens, plans change, and we change. And sometimes those changes end up being the best changes ever! I know one wonderful thing that has happened, I reconnected with my best friend. We haven't spoken in over 5 years and I just didn't realize how much I missed our talks and her wonderful family. She is going to be a grandma! How can that be? We are just 25 years old. HaHa! I hope we always make a point to stay in touch from this moment on. Just started thinking about this new school year. I hope that wherever you are, you are happy and blessed. I learned that I will have a room full of boys! I believe I have just 3 little girls and the rest are boys. WOW- hope I am ready for this adventure! Little Miss Michaela is also a special part of our lives now. Funny how God brings people in our lives and opens up a whole new world. We just love spending time with her. She is just precious! Tracer has her rotten. Still enjoying the beautiful flowers at our other home. I love to just go sit in my swing and look at all of the beautiful plants. The Zinnias were just gorgeous this year! Lots of squash, tomatoes, okra from our garden. Eggplants should be ready soon. Lots of yummy vegetables from my daddy's garden. Really good peas and okra.

Tracer enjoyed his golfing classes
Beautiful flowers in my yard
current book I am reading