Monday, September 10, 2012

A lesson in Pre K

A couple of weeks ago we did the "Wrinkled Heart Activity" in our classroom. I had a cut out heart shape and I asked the children to tell me different things that might heart their feelings. As each one gave an example, I quietly made a crease in the heart. When they were finished, I showed them the wrinkled heart. They all tried to get the wrinkles out but they still left an impression on the heart. We talked about how you can't take back words that hurt and for us all to try not to wrinkle each other's heart. They have really tried so hard to not say hurtful things. I hear them telling each other-"Please don't wrinkle my heart." So adorable! Maybe this is something you could use at home. I also teach them to say- "I apologize " instead of "I'm sorry" . In one of my Early Childhood classes we had a teacher that said "Sorry is a condition- teach them to apologize instead."

Wrinkled Heart Poem

Before you speak
Think and be smart
It's hard to fix
A wrinkled Heart.