Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sweet Little children

Just met a new little one that will be in my class next year. Hard to believe this school year is so quickly coming to an end. Every year, I have mixed emotions about this time of the year. I'm so ready for Summer but yet I know that my little ones will no longer be with me. Sure, I'll see some of them next door, next year but some I may never see again. You get attached to these little ones. After all, you spend 9 and 1/2 months with them -5 days a week. I come to view them as mine. Even when they are in an upper grade you may still here me refer to them as "my babies". I hope that somehow someway I have made a positive influence in their life. God may not have given me the three biological children that I always wanted, but he filled my heart and life with so many more. For that I consider myself very blessed. 

Feeling Sentimental these days

Oh do I have a lot of catching up to do! The month of April has been an exciting, crazzzzzzy month! I have had to start carrying a planner and I have not had to do that since college. Does that come with having a teenager? Tracer had a 4-H trip to Baton Rouge, 4- H Fishing Clinic, Farm Safety Day, multiple drum lessons, drivers education classes, fitting for his first prom *sniffle *sniffle, and church activities. We have also went to  a 4-H pet show, 4-H awards night(where I am going to be a proud mom and say he received a total of 10 Awards). He also had a Field Trip to the 4-H extension service Sweet Potato Farm and had to take the  ACT. Which I am proud to say that he scored a 20 in English! Not bad for a Freshman. Between all of this, we had the dreaded Tax day and his English Research Paper. We are exhausted. We did  manage a fun filled day trip to Mississippi and I managed to buy a few plants(although they are not yet in the ground). When I find myself getting aggravated by this crazy schedule of ours I stop and think that this is exactly what I prayed for so many years ago. Most of you know the struggle we went through to have our son and the miracle of his birth.*earlier post* I am so very thankful to God for allowing me to be a mom and I will forever cherish all of these crazy days for I know they are fleeting fast. Oh so very fast. I just don't know what I will do without these days and my baby. When he was little,  my mom bought me a book by Karen Kingsbury. You know how they have books for all of your child's first(ex. First tooth...), well this one is about  all of your child's lasts. Like their last T-ball game, last day in daycare, last day in preschool, last time they go to their pediatric dentist and so on. I looked at it just a few days ago and realized there are only a few more milestones left before he moves on. *Sniff*Sniff  I guess I'm just feeling a little sentimental these days. Cherish every wild and crazy moment because trust me- they go by so very, very fast.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blooming in Pre-K

A visit from Mrs. Penny

The children love it when Mrs. Penny comes each month for story time. The love her songs, stories and finger plays.

Flag Ceremony

Such an Honor to be in attendance at the OBCA Flag ceremony. The 9th graders did an excellent job! So proud of all of them and especially proud of my baby!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Little Sponges

The children have been working really hard in our classroom. I am so proud of them. They are learning so much. Way to go class!

Sounder- Our Bassett Hound

Sounder is so sweet. He is getting old- you can tell it in the white patches on his coat. We have had him since Tracer was playing T-ball.