Wow, what a wonderful night! Tonight was the Scholar's Awards night at our school. I was so honored that my child was selected to attend tonight. We use the Abeka program and in my Pre-K class the children learn to mark vowels, learn long and short vowel sounds, and learn blends so I know that the other classes are harder. I was so proud to see the few that were chosen to attend and I was especially proud that one of them was my son. Tracer received a medallion for Honor Roll all year , a 4-H Outstanding Member Award, and the OBCA 2013 Principal Award for Outstanding Character, Citizenship, Academics, and Values. He received a plaque, gift card, flash drive, cash, t-shirt, and more. This was something I did not know he was receiving and I was so in shock. Not that my baby is not awesome mind you- but I was still in shock and so very proud! I am so very proud of all the children that worked so very hard to be chosen to attend this awards night and I am so very thankful to the teachers at OBCA that work very hard to teach our children. Without them, it just would not be possible for our children to achieve the level of learning that they do. This is an awesome school with awesome teachers and a great group of children.

Two of my sons
One of Tracer's Favorite Teachers-Bro. Mel
The very reason Tracer got into 4-H and excelled at public speaking is because of another one of his favorite teachers-Mrs. Donna
Another one of his favorite teachers- In his own words- "Momma, Mrs. Fisher is hard but I know she only wants us to do our best." She has pushed him to do his very best and he has learned so much under her teaching.
One of his best buds- Erin. She always makes him smile!