Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The children really enjoyed making those gingerbread houses but I think the parents enjoyed it more! Maybe next year I'll make enough for the parents to make one too!!!!  I hope over the holidays to get caught up on all the pictures from the beginning of the year!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wonderful Parents!

Did I tell you what wonderful room parents I have? I couldn't ask for a better group of parents. Before we moved into the new room, I had a lot of the parents donate items that were on the classroom giving tree. I did not get around to posting a lot of the individual  pictures but we really had a lot of donations! Thanks so much for all you do! Thanks to Dusty and Roxanne for the donation of the Turtle sandbox. We are using it as a fine motor center. The children cut out items from  newspaper and it all stays in the box!!!  Paul and April have been instrumental in supply lots of items for our classroom. JD and Carla -thank you for all you have done also,  Mike and Ida thank you for the Dr. Seuss movies.Mark and Tamra thanks for the items you have provided also. Thanks to Layla for the beautiful card, windchimes, and Circle E candle. You really lifted my spirits during a difficult time. Thank you all for your daily prayers! Thats what makes teaching this class so wonderful!! Thanks to Dustin and Roxanne for the Instant snow, sharpies, Cardstock, and Nativity Set. Thanks to Roxanne and April for their wonderful party planning for our Christmas Party!!!


Pre K 3 & 4 will have their Christmas Party on Friday after the Christmas Play. ALL parents are asked to send a gift for their child with a value of no more than $10. A room mom will be in touch with you on what is needed for you to bring for the party. The theme is Breakfast with Ollie the Elf!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One our little ones "reading" their favorite book!

These younger 3's crack me up!  This is Trade- he decided that the morning announcements were too long -so he just laid down on the gym floor! Ha

So proud of our own Pre- k Little Miss Merry Christmas! Way to go Princess!

A rare night out- Gerald and I at the Warehouse for Gerald's office party.

Enjoyed the Christmas floats and fireworks in town. Loved seeing our OBCA children on floats!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A visit from "Ollie the Elf" and the room is starting to look a lot like Christmas!

The note said:
Sorry for the bathroom mess
I wasn't trying to be naughty!
Everything is so big
and I'm so little
and I really had
to go potty!!!!!