Friday, April 29, 2011

Teacher Appreciation all week!
Monday- May 2nd: Graduation gown orders and money due.   Field trip money due for Martin Home Place.
Dare officer will be here to talk to the children
Tuesday: May 3rd: Mrs. Penny here for story-time
May 6th: Martin Home Place Field trip
May 9th: Open House 6-7:30
May 23rd: Pre- K Graduation

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines.

Last night my best friend from Shongoloo called me very upset because a tornado had been spotted by their home. She asked me to help her pray that they would be safe. About 30 min. later my husband called from his job in West Monroe to let me know that the weather was really bad where he was. You could hear the storm in the background.. I begin to get a really bad headache from the worrying. I also begin to pray. Thankfully no one I knew was hurt during the storm last night.  This morning when I arrived at school- I opened a folder that I keep on my desk with Teacher quotes and inspirational sayings. You know what I saw- yes the saying above. It reminded me that God wants us to pray/talk to him even when the sun is shining, not just in the rain.


A friend of mine often makes a list of things that makes her happy. So I thought I would also make a list of the top 10 things that brings a smile to my face. Maybe if we all did this more often we would begin to be thankful for our blessings instead of looking at the things in our life that bring us down.
1. That God loves me
2. My Family
3. The laughter and love of children
4. Flowers
5. Friends
6. The health of my family
7. My church family
8.Flea markets/yard sales
9. Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks
10.Books- I love to read(When I have the time!)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We're back!  I spent my Easter break doing lots of yard work and planting flowers. My husband and I also took our son to Baton Rouge for the 4-H  competition. I am so proud of him! I was always so shy that I am just so proud of him for being able to talk to a room full of strangers! When your child is old enough encourage your child to join 4-H -it is a GREAT program. We also took him to the Baton Rouge Zoo- another nice surprise! It is beautiful- we were not expecting it to be that nice. They are undergoing a 5 million dollar renovation. Take the children - they have a VERY nice children's area.It is  one of the best I've seen and we have been to a lot of zoos! Of course the week was sadder with the loss of 3 of our young people from our community. Continue to pray for the families that are left to cope with this. My husband worked that night- but thankfully only in town and at dispatch. I am so thankful that he did not witness the scene of the accident. Taking the calls at dispatch was hard enough. For those who do not believe  our law enforcement  deserves our praise and prayers- just see them after they have worked an accident like  that. Continue to pray for Mr. Buddy Gill- Mrs. Diane's husband - he has some health problems. We were also able to see the movie Soul Surfer- WOW- a great movie. A must see! 

Friday, April 15, 2011


CLOSED for Easter break 4/16-4/25. Will resume classes on Tuesday 4/26

Field Trip-May 6th(Friday) Martin Home Place in Columbia for music, cooking and history lesson. Time: 9:30-11:00  Sack Lunch Cost: $5.00 per person

***Parents: Please be getting together pictures for their Graduation slide show. Pictures need to be on a disc. I need a newborn picture and a picture for each year of their life. Also, if you have pictures from Field trips or special days these will also be appreciated. ALL discs will be returned.  I need all pictures by  May 2nd.
*We will be ordering Cap & Gowns by April 29th.  Graduation is scheduled for Monday, May 23rd at 9:00 A.M.

Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for all that you did to make the Easter Party special for the children. Children always remember the love that you show them . Thanks so much. You are awesome!  Have a great Easter break! May God bless you - Love, Mrs. Tammy

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Strengthen the parent and you strengthen the child."- Fred Rogers

The children are so excited today!  They look so adorable in their Sunday best. Today  is our Easter egg hunt and Spring pictures. It's great to see the children so excited but what really makes my heart sing is to see the parents  excited! I have always believed that if the parents are involved in the school experience-  the children benefit greatly. I have found  that when parents become involved, they tend to support the classroom more and want what is best for their children.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Children are like wet cement, Whatever falls on them makes a lasting impression.

My prayer is to always treat the children as I would want a teacher to treat my child. Yes, some days it becomes stressful. Especially when you have things on your mind like taxes and other stuff. But I try to come to my classroom each day knowing that my attitude will affect the 10 little children that are looking  to me for guidance. We as teachers and parents need to remember this. No matter what kind of day I am having these little ones always seem to bring a smile to my face. Where else can you receive so many hugs, flowers from the playground (weeds), and "God bless you Mrs.Tammy" ,when I sneeze from those flowers(weeds) they keep bringing me?! Today I read them the passages from the "Resurrection eggs." They really enjoyed opening the eggs to find the items that went with the Easter story. Tomorrow we will have our Easter Party at the Playground and we have a surprise for them- my son's really big lop-eared rabbit named Trixter! We are also having Easter pictures taken-so remember Sunday Best dress. Parents- remember to send a dozen filled eggs and a Easter basket with your child. As always, you are encouraged to attend.  *The children were treated to milk and cookies for WINNING for the most box tops turned in! Thanks for supporting our school!